Jim Waltermire

Rustic Beauty

Doctor and Dad

“I remember Dad was always in his shop. He was building something. Furniture, a hamper, stool, boxes, Christmas ornaments, bowls. You name it, Dad has probably made it!”

The wood comes from the farm and surrounding area; the walnut tree he and his brother played on when they were kids. He belongs to a woodworking club in Stillwater and enjoys working in the garden and improving the land where he lives in Perry, Oklahoma.

Artistic Alchemy

Robert Waltermire

Refined and Rare…

Robert’s vision for his art is refinement and quality. Polished perfection and a beautiful sense of balance defines the best of his designs that adds a touch of refinement to your home.

Daughter and Dreamer

Elizabeth Waltermire-Jones

Elizabeth has been a maker all her life. She recently discovered a love for pine needle coiling and spends many hours developing and creating designs and one of a kind art works with pine needles on wood, ceramic, and mixing medias. All of her materials are collected locally around the Historic brick streets in the Azalea District in Tyler, Texas